Sometimes certain items from our collections are more popular than our forecasts had predicted. In cases such as these, availability of an item may be low or it may become out of stock.

When an item is currently out of stock, but we have been able to order in further stock of the particular item, you will have the option to place the order for this product. Once added to your Shopping Bag, you will see the Delivery Date for when this product is expected to arrive & when we will therefore be able to dispatch it to you.

We also provide a service that allows you to be notified when a particular product that is out of stock, comes back into stock again. In cases such as these, you will see an Email me when in stock button. Simply click this and enter your email address. You will be sent an email letting you know as soon as the product is back in stock.

In rare occasions, the availability of a product may be misrepresented on the website. When we process your order, we will inform you by email if any products you order turn out to be unavailable and where possible, we will attempt to locate any stock for such orders from our stores. You will be notified of this by email and the additional items, if sourced, will be sent to you at no additional cost. If, however, we are unable to locate your item, we will offer you an alternative. We will obviously refund your order if we are unable to provide a desired alternative item.